Friday, November 16, 2012

Literary Conflict

It can often be difficult to teach about literary conflicts with elementary students.  I don't just mean "what is Johnny's problem in the story," but rather the causes, effects, and changes due to conflicts.  To be honest, I don't think I fully grasped the concept until high school; however, I have found a way to help my students begin to dissect conflicts that they read about and experience.   

When it boils down to it, every conflict comes from one or more of the following perspectives: religious, political/power, psychological, economic, social, technological, philosophical, and cultural.  Even the youngest of students have experienced these things (the power conflict of different bedtimes, the economic conflict of not getting the candy bar at the store, the social conflict of disagreeing with friends). 

One of my graduate professors actually shared these 8 perspectives with me and I now use them to classify all conflicts with my students.  Even though the vocabulary is a bit sophisticated, the pictures remind students that these perspectives are always in play.  Plus, the kids get a kick out of learning college-level material! 

Try using these perpectives with your students, or even just reminding yourself of these perspectives when you come across conflict in your life.  There are always different perspectives being challenged . . .

Get a free download of my Literary Conflict Perspectives Posters!  It is a free google.doc in PDF format.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Character Dress Up Day

I was the White Witch from the Chronicles of Narnia for this year's Character Dress Up Day!

I just thought I would show you all how OCD I am for costumes, too!

I made my crown from an old tiara, dental floss and Christmas tree icicles.  I wore my sister's old prom dress which was white lace . . . covered with a handmade cape from leftover wedding fabric.

It was great to show off my work at our school's dress up day (held on Halloween - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!).