Thursday, August 2, 2012

Popsicle Sticks

"But, it's not fair!"

To keep things fair (and keep the kids on their toes), I use a cup full of popsicle sticks to help give everyone a chance to contribute in class.  Plus, popsicle sticks can always be found at my local dollar store which makes my wallet smile :)

I use these popsicle sticks to determine the order students present projects, who answers questions aloud, partners for activities, turns during class games, and random group assignments.  I also use the sticks to lay out on a table when configuring seating arrangements or groupings (this helps me visually) so I don't have to keep erasing and making changes.   It's so easy to move sticks on a table until I'm completely satisfied. 

Did you notice that the sticks are in a cute cup, too?  This plastic cup was one that I used in my college dorm room (GO HUSKERS!) and I smile every time I look at it. 

On my popsicle sticks, I include information that will help me sort students for grouping.  I include students' names, classroom numbers, and a color for their gender. 

It's difficult to see, but the girls have pink dots
and the boys have blue (stereotypical, but easy).

By putting this information on each stick, I can use them for much more than just choosing who is called on next. 

What else do you put on your student popsicle sticks?

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